Monthly radio talk shows – Justice, Reconciliation & Crime Prevention
Monthly radio talk shows for Transitional Justice on Truth Telling, Reconciliation and Healing and Crime Prevention as means of promoting a peaceful coexistence.
The radio talk show was to adapt truth telling, reconciliation and healing and community-based dialogues for community leaders and Elders to encourage and support victims to come forward to stake their stories as means of giving voice to full scope and breathe of the atrocity. The radio talk was over the weekend because most people are at home listening to radios,
It was intended to reach those that missed out on the messages from the outreach sessions in the communities. The following were the key messages discussed over the radio;
Peace is a collective responsibility that all South Sudanese play a key role in achieving
For communities to reconcile, everyone must have a voice and all communities and individuals must participate in reconciliation
Transitional justice has the power to contribute to just societies and peaceful coexistence
Traditional and Religious leaders can support healing and reconciliation
Transitional justice can repair and restore communal relationships
Forgive not to change the past but to change the future
Forgive to free yourself from anger and feeling of revenge
Forgive to find peace
To be strong is to forgive
Anger brings violence, forgiveness brings peace
To heal, you must forgive so that there must be no more victims.