PROJECT: South Sudan Emergency Livelihoods Response Programme
South Sudan Emergency Livelihoods Response Programme
The project is designed to respond to emergency food security populations in Tonj North County, Warrap state, initially, the project is on the six Payams which include Kirik, Akop, Marial-lou, Rualbet, Aliek, and Alabek respectively. The area continued to suffer from chronic insecurities related to cattle raiding and communal fighting among the neighboring communities of Tonj North itself and parcel of Tonj East County. The insecurity trends are moderately subsiding with support from the government and intervention from other organizations.
However, with a good well distribution of rainfall, the few crops are a bit well, only the cultivation was not enough because of insecurity which forced the host communities. Currently, the community is now being alerted/informed and coached by I-WIN and FAO through intensive training on good agricultural practices and aquacultural practices, skill strengthening to local farmers. The farmers who have received crops and vegetable kits had planned and they have adapted the modern technic of farming as they are being trained and stationed at demonstration sites for show and later disembark to their original farms for actual farming and cultivation
The displaced community of Rualbet, Kirik, Marial-lou and Akop will be voluntarily returning to their originally homes following the government intervention to restore peace and stability in the county. The 65% of Tonj North population who predominantly depend on subsistence farming are estimated to be food secure in the subsequently.